Ianacare — a platform providing support for caregivers.
“Ianacare” stands for I am not alone care, I just knew this company through TechCrunch article today, reported they raised $12.1M series A funding.
At first, I am curous about how Ianacare make money from their business model, because Ianacare provide a free version for individual users(usually caregiver) to build a team of supporters(sent link to friends or family members to join the team), and then when caregiver need help, they will cerate a checklist, a little bit like post a mission, and those team members(supporters) can help to finish those missions, such as buying meals for care recipients, transportation, go to hospital and pet care…etc.
And Ianacare also provide enterprise version for employer to provide support for their employee, founder Jessica Kim said every 7 American have one care giver, and caregiver needs to spend average of 25hrs a week caring for their loved ones on top of their full-time job, and lack of support and resources may drive 32% of them to leave their job to take care full time. And this is why employer have incentive to use this to prevent employee from leaving or lose attention on their work.
Personally, I think this is a really meaningful product, this platform actually contribute to the society. This kinds of company is what I really want to invest if it can make money at the same time.
I am really moved by the stories of Ianacare’s founder in ideamix podcast, attached at the bottom of the article.